Tuesday, March 15, 2011

View From Sunny Village Homestay

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In terms of geography, Tambunan is located in the Inland of Sabah. 80km from Kota Kinabalu. This valley is surrounded by a range mountain. The great Gunung Kinabalu (4018 m) has became a beautiful view in the northern . In terms of culture,there are various myths and legends, which related with the old traditions, customs and the origins of tribal.  Names of place in this division is still there until now. The story of Tambunan's origin is a very interesting story which told through mouths, from one generation to another among the Kadazan / Dusun ethnic of Tambunan.

In the old times, the area of Tambunan is only filled by a tropical rain forest. At that time, forest is filled with various types of animals, from leeches, to the Borneo's wild buffalo. In the beginning, there is no one lived there. Soon later, settlers from Nunuk Ragang began to migrate to south and some of them settled in Tambunan. The first group was led up by Gombunan. He was a hero among the Nunuk Ragang's tribe, and also a capable leader. 

They began to explore the plains of Tambunan. Planting crops like upland rice, maize cassava, pumpkin and yam are the main activities of women. While the men will spend more time hunting wild animals such as squirrels to wild boar and deer. When they population are increased, more land has been cleaned to plant. Villagers who called they self the plainer, becomes more advanced and live in peace and harmony under the leadership of Gombunan.

But one day, a violent warriors of Tonsundung who lived at the east hills, came and attack the villagers. They destroyed the crops and other properties, and also killed some of the villagers. Gombunan and his men, act quickly and successfully managed to repel the attackers. The violent striker also suffered a serious injury.

The Tonsundung warriors angry over their defeat and intends to get revenge and also to kill Gombunan. One day, about 30 warriors of Tonsundung caught Gombunan who was alone at his farm and then kill him. They chopped his body and bring back his head as a sign of they victory. Gombunan's head hung on high poles to allow people of Tonsundung to read spells and mocking to the death of the leader.

Gombunan's men are very sad to know that their leader's is death. They mourning for a few days as a sign of honor and vowed to retaliate for his death. In remembering for his service, they have named their land as GOMBUNAN.

At the same time, another faction from hilly of west area, migrated to plains land. They known as the Tamadon. Tamadon's people are friendly and kind to Gombunan's tribal. They are willing to help in combat on Tonsudung's warriors because they know, sooner or later the Tonsondungs will also attack them. To increase the strength of their defense, Tamadon tribes joined the Gombunan's tribal. At that time, Tonsundung also planned to kill all the Gombunan's factions. But they don't know the strenght of Gombunans and their new aliance, Tamandons.

The Tonsundungs came across, and begin to attack the Gombunans. They were shock to know that their opponents is increased in number. However, a blood battles is still going on. More than half of the Tonsundungs are killed, and the others who survive, run to the east forests. While the Gombunans and Tonsundungs, suffered only a slight injuries.

As to celebrate their victory, a big feast is held. At the end of the feast, they agreed to rename the land to Tambunan, where TAM is taken from Tamadon and BUNAN is taken from Gombunan.